Discount of 10% of Full Yearly Term Fee applicable if paid by 19th February 2024.
Family discounts apply. 5% off term fees for 2nd child and 10% reduction for 3rd child.
Internet banking preferred. Speak to treasurer if this is not possible.
BSB: 035 044
Account Number: 202982
Tinies Non-Competitive (1 hour lesson)
$125 per term
Costume budget: $140 (see further information below)
Tinies Competitive (1.5 hour lesson)
$145 per term
Costume budget: $180 (see further information below)
Sub-Juniors **(2 hour lesson)
$165 per term
Costume budget: $225 (see further information below)
**If your daughter is selected into the Sub-Junior elite team (Team 1), an additional once off charge of $65 will be added to your account in Term 2 due to longer lesson time (2.5 hours) required for additional competition routines.
Juniors (2.75 hour lesson)
$195 per term
Costume budget: $300 (see further information below)
*If your daughter is selected into one of the Junior elite teams (Team 1 & 2), an additional once off charge of $50 will be added to your account in Term 2 due to longer lesson time allocated (3 hours)
Intermediates (3 hour lesson)
$210 per term
Costumes: $340 (see further information below)
Seniors (3 hour lesson)
3 x instalments of $280
Costume budget: $360 (see further information below)
Masters (3 hour lesson)
3 x instalments of $280
Costume budget: $280 (see further information below)
**For registration enquiries, please email
***The Sports Vouchers program from the Government of South Australia initiative administered by the Office for Recreation and Sport is ongoing in 2024. The program provides an opportunity for primary school aged children from Reception to Year 9 to receive a $100 discount on sports membership/term 1 fees.
**Please note - it is AGE based, therefore if your child is turning 5 - 15yrs in 2024, they are eligible
Club Membership Fee
The club membership fee of $130 is due by 26th January 2024 for returning members or at the first registered class for new members. This is to be completed through Revolutionise Sport.
Technique Class Fees:
Competitive Tinies: $75 per term
Sub-Juniors: $100 per term
Juniors: $100 per term
Intermediates/Seniors $15 per class
Further information regarding fees:
First 2 trial lessons are free for all new members
Each term fee is to be paid by the due date on your invoice or your child will no longer be permitted to train
Weekly or fortnightly regular arrangements can be arranged - please discuss with Treasurer Mrs Sally van de Water via club email
Seniors/Masters ONLY - all instalments must be paid by 9th August 2024
**Please note that term 4 fees/instalments/final costume account MUST be paid to participate in Pupil Skills and Solo/Duo Season
2024 Club Camp
Held at Nunyara Conference Centre April 15th - 17th. This camp is heavily subsidized by the club. Invoice for camp will be invoiced in term 1 for $90. This money helps to cover hall hire, bus transportation and all meals. Please contact Kate via club email for any queries regarding this cost in 2024. Any girls who choose to be 'day visitors' only, will still be required to pay the $90 due to the day costs of each girl.
Costumes (further info)
Innovation aims to reduce the labor associated with costumes with most sets of leotards being hired from the club. The costume fee includes hire of these costumes as well as cost of trimmings and lycra of any new costumes. The costume fee is not a set amount, but rather a general guide as to the approximate cost to expect per age group. Members will be invoiced for the total balance of the costume fee in August/September.
A making fee for construction of NEW costumes is charged separately to this and payable directly to the dressmaker (approx. $40 per costume)
Clubs and Rods (competitive Tinies and above) may be an extra cost and can also be bought secondhand.
Shoes (if required) may be an additional cost.
Competition hair/makeup supplies charged $7 per girl ($5 Tinies).
50% of your approximated costume fee must be received by 1st April to assist with the running costs of the club towards the competition season. This deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Club Merchandise
Please see our website for any additional extras you may wish your child to have. Club tracksuit is mandatory for all members Sub-Junior age and above. Tinies hire the official club jacket for all concerts and competitions (hire fee $5). Tinies are also able to buy the tracksuit jacket if they prefer to own their own.
Solo Coaching and Private Lessons
Fees to be set by negotiation with your coach and should cover both tuition and hall hire.
Interstate Competitions
Teams may occasionally choose to travel to compete in interstate competitions. Please note that if any fees are outstanding your child will be precluded from participation until fees are paid. Interstate competitions may require an additional costume along with accomodation/travel expenses. Fundraising usually assists in keeping these costs down. Any queries please contact Kate on 0409 270 877